School visits
I am now taking bookings for virtual and in-person school visits.
Contact me for more information.
New Webinar
Being an Author – the real story
Bestselling children’s author Laurel Remington is presenting a series of school webinars about what it’s like to be a published author.
Find out the real story behind being an author including:
How I became a published author
My journey through failure and beyond
So I’ve got a publishing deal… now what?
Top tips for becoming a writer
Daily habits for writers and other creative people
Shh… the secret to success!
Age group: 8-12 (KS2-KS3)
Format: Zoom or Teams webinar
Timing: 30 – 45 minutes including
PowerPoint presentation
Reading from book
Books: Amazon Links to buy the books will be provided
Cost: TBC. I am doing a certain number of free webinars by prior arrangement.
Schools will be asked to supply a testimonial after the event.
‘Garrison was so lucky to have Laurel Remington virtually visit our 5th and 6thgrade students. She engaged our students right away with a slide show and great humour. Our Career Day was a huge success due to Laurel’s participation. Our hope was to inspire our students and Laurel did that and more!’
Nancy Matthews, Principal, Garrison Elementary School, Modesto, CA

Mix three cups of friendship, a spoonful of cringey Mum and a sprinkle of first love – and what do you have? A warm and touching novel with friendship at its heart, perfect to satisfy cooking cravings during the next series of The Great British Bake Off!
My event combines a love of cooking with creative writing, teaching students how to build their own novel through the analogy of baking a cake (‘the ingredients of a story’). There are lots of interactive and visual elements to the event, with a mini creative writing ‘bake-off’ at the end where students from the audience explore the process of characterisation and creating and solving problems in a story.
In this interactive session, I explore the inspirations and themes in my third book for children, The Polka Dot Shop. This event includes a presentation about being an author, tips and advice for children creating their own stories, and a fun, audience participation segment acting out a scene from the book to learn about creating and solving problems in a story.
The session also includes a reading from the book and a Q&A session.
School Visit in-person events
Events typically last one hour (incl. 15 mins of questions), with a book signing afterwards. Smaller writing seminars or master classes on specific topics can also be arranged on request. Some schools have combined an event with a charity bake-off. I am also available to speak to school book clubs, for which an informal Q&A setting typically works best. Workshops can be tailored to fit the individual needs of the school and student group.
Fee and book sales
Fees will include travel expenses and rates set by the Society of Authors. I would ask that there be book sales and a promotion ahead of the event so parents and students know that they can buy the book and get it signed on the day.
Suitable for ages 8-12.
I use PowerPoint which I will bring on a memory stick.
The school will need to provide display technology (screen/computer).
Howell’s School Wales
We were really lucky to have Laurel visit our school as our special guest author for Book Week. Our theme this year was ‘Food, Glorious Food’ and Laurel’s presentations to Year 6 & 7 about her ‘Secret Cooking Club’ books and her life as a writer both excited and inspired the girls. They loved the interactive elements including acting out a script for an imaginary ‘Great British Bake Off’. Laurel was warm and relaxed throughout a very busy morning and took time to chat, sign books and spend time with our enthusiastic readers and writers. Year 7 took great delight in watching Laurel judge their ‘Cookie Bake Off’ and award prizes to the winners. Our Book Club had the honour of an hour long workshop with Laurel where they had the opportunity to ask Laurel for advice about writing and getting published; it was really encouraging for some of our young writers to talk to an author and get tips and advice.
Student comments:
I enjoyed hearing Laurel giving us tips on how to structure our stories. Sophie W.
I enjoyed hearing her experience and finding out what it takes to create an AMAZING book. Jessica
I most enjoyed the skit of the Great British Bake Off as it was hilarious. Gracie C
I loved it that we got to join in and take part. Ella H
I enjoyed hearing about Laurel’s journey as an author. Honor F
My favourite part of Book Week was the author talk because I loved the way she told us about her life. Issy C
I enjoyed talking about the techniques and ideas for writing and developing worlds in fiction. Grace E (Book Club Member)
Castlewood Primary School
The audience enjoyed Laurel's talk, especially when they dressed up! Laurel talked us through a very well put together powerpoint, which was clear and certainly aimed at the correct target audience. I think one of the best parts of the afternoon was when Laurel spoke with the Book Club.
Some quotes from the day were: 'Great opportunity to dress up' 'Love the Polka Dot dress theme'
'A great opportunity to meet a real author' The organisation for this visit went very well.
We loved having an author in to school - we very much promote reading and it is a large part of our school.
Globe Primary
Laurel's talk was entertaining when she got children to dress up and act out a scene, which they really enjoyed. They also loved asking questions and Laurel answered them well.
Laurel talked about the creative process and used a story pyramid, which is what they do in class. The children, particularly the girls, enjoyed the parts of the story that she read. Laurel also picked a girl in a wheelchair as one of her actors, which was great.
The John Roan School
It was a brilliant opportunity for the students, and thank you for picking us. Staff who have never attended an author talk before said that it was an interesting experience.
Some quotes from students on the day said:
"It was fun"
"It was nice to have a female author visiting"
"Do we have the books in the library?"
"The roleplay was funny, especially the pink skirt"
Haslemere Book Shop
“We had a brilliant event with Laurel during half-term. She spoke so passionately about being an author, that both the children who attended the event, and the bookshop staff were totally inspired! One of the parents commented afterwards how useful Laurel’s talk had been in helping her daughter with her creative writing homework and the handbook Laurel gave out was packed with great ideas. We’d thoroughly recommend an event with Laurel!
– Emily, The Haslemere Bookshop
St Hilary’s School
“Laurel came in for the day to St. Hilary's in Spring 2017 to talk to KS2 about her then new book, 'The Secret Cooking Club'. We had liaised a great deal beforehand, to discuss the plan for the day and she had plenty of ideas and was easily contactable. The day started with Laurel talking to all of KS2 in the hall and showing them an interesting presentation about how she came to write her book. She then happily signed books for a long queue of children!
Laurel then did workshops in the Library with each KS2 year group on the writing process, and had made up 'Writer's Booklets' especially for the day for the children to fill in. It was also a great opportunity for the children to ask questions.
We also did a charity 'Bake Off' - inviting the children to bring in their baking creations to be judged, then sold in aid of charity at the end of the day. Laurel judged the cakes during a break time and also was there at the end of the day to help sell them.
It was a fantastic day and Laurel packed a huge amount into the time. I can highly recommend her for a KS2 author visit.”
- Katie Hilder, Head of English
Waverton Book Award Presentation
“[Laurel] gave a very exciting and informative talk to the 9-11 year olds using a very well prepared PowerPoint presentation. She pitched it perfectly for this age range and during the question and answer session had a good rapport with the children. She spent time signing individual books afterwards for the children and signed postcards with personal messages.
Teachers reported very positive feedback about Laurel's time in school and they saw a further interest in the reading and writing process generated from her visit. I can recommend Laurel as an ideal person to work in schools to inspire pupils to read and write based on her visit with us.”
– Sue Buckley, Waverton Good Reads Children's Award organiser